Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Royal Wedding....

Baa Humbug!  Why should I be excited for Kate?  I mean if it were me marrying William I would completely understand if most women in the world hated me!  Right?!? 

I remember being a little girl and day dreaming about William and I marrying, but I always knew that it was a long shot he would find me...I mean come on I live in Indiana....not even your average Joe from the UK would want to visit Indiana nor find their Bride here..haha!!

So I guess I will just fall in line with all of the other ladies out there and hope that someday I meet the average Joe from Indiana.  In the better believe I will be sitting back and taking notes tomorrow for great ideas to duplicate their wedding for my very own Royal Wedding. Be looking for your invitation in the mail, but don't hangout by the may be several years before I meet my Prince Charming :)

To the happy couple...May your lives be full of love, happiness, and laughter!  CHEERS!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Fast Food...not so much

So lately I have been experiencing the worst of worst service that you can get from fast food.  I guess it just goes with the saying "You get what you pay for".

Well to me if I pay $7 for a meal I should receive $7 service, but lately I have been receiving $0.01 service and spending $7 for crap!

So I just need to get all of my fast food peeves out and maybe just maybe someone who works in the industry will run across this and think maybe we should train our employees on how to give better customer service....probably not, but it is worth a shot.

So here are my Top Ten Fast Food Peeves!

10.  Paying for sauces - When I don't get Chicken Nuggets and I ask for a sauce it is like the worst thing ever.  I mean come on I have been asked for $.32 before for 1 sauce....DUDE do you realize that I could go by a bottle of BBQ for $1.  How about RIP OFF!!   There are several people in this world that like something different than ketchup for their fries.  Get it together people, giving sauces to people is not causing your restaurant any debt.

9.   Napkins - Need I say more.  CAN I GET SOME DARN NAPKINS?!?!  and I mean plural.  I am messy in general so if I plan on eating in the car I need enough to soak up the drink that I just spilled all over my tan seats.  Thanks :D

8.  When asking for sauce - I always ask for a couple.....that doesn't mean 1 and that doesn't mean 10.  A couple is always 2.  So when I ask for a couple give me a couple.  If you give me 1 don't huff and puff when I say "Can I get another one?"....I asked for a couple! 

7.  Drink Holders - Ok, now if I were getting multiple drinks they are nice enough to automatically give me a holder, but sometimes they don't, however I when I get 2 drinks most of the time I have 2 cup holders.  I don't need your crappy fall apart holders for 2 drinks.  That is when I will need 30 napkins since that darn thing fell over when you handed it to me.  Just ask me at all times if I want one, no matter how many drinks I get.

6.  Giving me everything at the same time - Ok, now when I go through the drive-thru I am usually well prepared on where I am going to put things, however if I have a car load of people.  It is sometimes hard to figure out places.  Must you give me everything at once and then while I am trying to hand off things you are holding a drink or another bag out the window impatiently waiting for me to take it.  Please if you could hand me the drinks first, then take the payment and then give me the bags.  That would allow me enough time to get the drinks distributed. :)

5.  Straws in the bag - REALLY people seriously...most of the time you hand me a drink first.  While waiting on my food I could have my straw in the instead of putting the darn thing in the bag hand it to me with my drink.  This will also help with the fact that half of you can't even remember to put the darn things in the bag so when I have already pulled away I figure out I have no straw...worst thing ever! So please hand them to me first confusion!

4.  Ordering - One of my biggest peeves is while I am ordering.  Don't interrupt me when I am telling you what I want....that irks me.  I have most likely been through your drive-thru or restaurant since I was a tike and I know what I want.  So when I say I want a #5, don't start asking me questions like what to drink or would you like cheese on that....DUDE I am getting to that SHUT UP!!  Then if I happen to forget cheese then you can ask me, but wait until I am done!  This is probably the main reason why you mess up orders!

3.  Way to much ice in the cup - I recently went to Burger King and noticed that they actually have a chart of how much ice to put in each cup size.  Yeah, they don't follow that!  I am tired of paying $2 for 3/4 cup of ice and a 1/4 cup of Pop. Please if you have a chart follow it....also if I ask for lite Ice that doesn't mean 3 cubes, it means like 1/4 cup of ice instead of 3/4 cup of ice.

2.  Wrong items/order - Lately, when I have asked for Diet Coke I have gotten Coke.  Can someone please pay attention?  That is all I am asking I completely understand that people make mistakes, but most likely you aren't listening when I order.  Probably because you were interrupting me when I was saying Diet Coke and the only thing you heard was Coke.  Again, SHUT UP and listen!  Also, what is the deal with people giving me someone else's order.  Again, PAY ATTENTION!!!

1.  Customer Service - Whatever happened to a smile?!?! I know your job sucks I have worked in retail so I can only imagine how crappy the Fast Food industry is, but come on can I get a Smile and a Hi, how are you?  Don't glare at me.  I didn't do anything other than drive up, order, give you money, and get my food, in which you completely messed up yourself.  So seriously before I even speak can I at least get a smile?  That is all I ask for.  I am sure the customer(s) before me were assholes, but I am not so please don't treat me like one! 

I know this was harsh, but it drives me crazy and I am sure people who work at Fast Food restaurants would rather me go off in a blog than in their face.  I know I am not perfect, and no one is perfect, but if these places could at least fix a few things it would make more people happier to spend money with them.  I can tell you as of right now, I am definitely going to stop spending so much money with the fast food industry mainly because I don't need the greasy crap and also, because 90% of the time I don't get what I asked for.  So I have decided to start bringing my lunch and stop going out and save my money for more important things.  :)

Hope everyone has a fabulous day!  I know I will when I take this Coke back to Burger King and throw it in the Managers face.  HAHA Just kidding I am not going to do that, but I did end up wasting it.   Too bad I don't have enough time to go find a homeless man to give it too!  HAHA!!

Friday, April 1, 2011's almost the weekend!!

So it's almost the weekend and I will be going to Covington, KY tomorrow after work for the Mary Kay Career Conference, so tonight I decided to prepare for my weekend of fun.  So I really needed a pedicure and I am staying at my cousins in Fishers.  I decided to go to Nails by D & G by the Super Target off 116th St., where I have been before and really enjoyed it....well this time was a little different!! Keep reading!

So I first got there and they were really busy like every chair was filled.  So I immediately thought well I will run to Target and get the things I need and then come back.  So I asked how long of a wait.  The guy said, "15 minutes", so I waited.  About 20-25 minutes later he says ok come on back.  So I hop in the chair stick my feet in the scolding hot water and turned on the massaging chair, thinking it would only be like 5-10 more minutes until someone started working on my feet....NO it was more like 30 more minutes.  Finally a really nice lady starts working away on my dreaded feet.  It was going pretty well, but a little slower than normal and she kept asking the gentleman beside her what to do, so that gave me the reason as to why she was slow...she's new!  So I forgave her for the slowness.  When she started filing my toenails she told me what she was doing...which I found odd, but nice at the same time, because no one has ever talked me through what they were doing to my feet...haha!  Anyway, she gets to my pinky toe and says "Oh my, you cut your toenails, huh?"  I was thinking, Well, yes who doesn't?  I mean was there a memo that was sent out that I didn't get stating you shouldn't cut your toenails?  Then she goes on to say "You cut it to short, next time don't cut and we will be able to shape better."  Ok well whatever lady, I have this fat roll that gets in my way and I would rather cut them short so they have more time to grow...haha!!!  That is at least what I wanted to say, but I smiled and nodded!  Plus they never trim your toenails and it drives me nuts!!!

As time goes by it is time to scrub the bottom of my feet, well when she put the soap on my feet she seemed like she was afraid to touch them, then you have to hold your leg up so they can really scrub so since I was using my muscles in holding my leg up she says "RELAX"....of course I didn't, because had I relaxed she would have been wishing she hadn't said that..haha!!! So anyway, I try to relax and she finishes cleaning my feet and now it's massage this point I was thinking YAY, I'm almost done and I can run over to Target get a few things and get back to Amy's so I can watch Grey's & Private Pratice!! And of course it's the MASSAGE the best part of the pedicure! least I thought it was the best part until she rubbed, squeezed and dug her fingers into my leg so bad that I felt like I was going to go flying out of that chair....I swear I wished I had gone to the gym, because after she was done beating my left leg I felt like I ran a marathon!  I wish I could have seen my facial expession and tried to recreate it while I workout for now on since my Trainer and workout buddy say I don't show expressions on my face and they can't ever tell if I am straining, because now I was STRAINING!!  I was sooooo glad she was finally done with my left leg I thought ok I can relax now....NOPE, I forgot I had another leg...I seriously almost told the woman forget it and just paint my toes, because I seriously thought I was going to die or lose a leg or foot!!  While she was squeezing my right leg to death she decided she needed to tell me that I have to much cellulite....WHAT?!?!  Lady, do you even know what cellulite is?  How can you tell, you are rubbing my calf?  I only have that in my thighs and ass in which I am sitting on and you can't I have no idea what she was meaning other than my muscles were tight since yesterday was leg day, but I still smiled and nodded!  So the leg part was still bad and I even turned it inward at some point thinking she would get the clue to loosen up...NO, she kept squeezing away!  Then she gets to my foot, now let me tell you this I have bad feet, first of all, I have flat feet (no arch) and working in retail for 8+ years on my feet, really helped break my arches down, if I had any in the first place.  So she starts rubbing...ooops I mean squeezing my foot like she was trying to wring a damn wash cloth and she gets to my arch....well I jerked and of course she still didn't get a freaking clue what my reaction was for!  She started saying something about that area being my "BALANCE".....I WANTED TO SCREAM AT THE WOMAN AT THIS POINT!   Of course I didn't because I am way to nice!  I of course, smiled and nodded, like I agreed!!!  I so badly wanted to say..."NO, WOMAN THAT IS NOT MY BALANCE, I HAVE NO BALANCE THAT IS MY DAMN BROKEN DOWN ARCH AND IF YOU TOUCH IT AGAIN MY FOOT MIGHT JUST MEET YOUR FACE!"

So, FINALLY it is time to paint my toenails...THANK GOD!  Well of course she still had to go on about my nails being to short which I just ignored.  Then I went to the dryer and of course I am the only one in the salon at this point and I feel like I am keeping them, so I put my shoes back on and paid.  I did contemplate if I should have left her a tip, but I decided to do it anyway...again...I am to damn nice! 

So for those of you who decided to check this out.  My evening wasn't so pleasant and I missed my least they will be online tomorrow, but I probably won't get to watch them until Saturday or Sunday night.  Anyway, whoever said "Beauty is Pain" really hit the nail on the head this time!  LOL!  I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!! I will for sure, unless if I have bruises all down my legs...haha!!

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