Friday, March 11, 2011


I am sure everyone has heard about the Earthquake and Tsunami today.  So I thought that the history of Tsunamis would be interesting to write about.  I don't really recall learning much about Tsunamis when I was in school, probably due to the fact that I talked most of the time and didn't really care for any subject other than Home Economics or Business....LOL!  Sooooo... READY.... SET...LEARN!

First of all you might want to know what exactly a Tsunami is...well, it is an unusually large sea wave produced by a sea quake or undersea volcanic eruption.  It usually occurs in an ocean, but can also occur in a large lake. 

Now that you know what a Tsunami is let's start about 8,000 years ago.  It is said that a volcano in Sicily caused an avalanche that crashed into the Mediterranean Sea at 200 mph triggering a Tsunami.  The only records they have to prove this are Geographical Records and scientist state that the Tsunami was taller than a 10 story building.  WOW....that is scary could you imagine looking up and seeing this wave of water as tall as a skyscraper...well I guess back about 8,000 years ago they didn't have skyscrapers plus 10 stories is a little small for a skyscrape, but seriously I would have probably pooped myself just before it took me out!

Since Tsunamis pretty much date back to the beginning of the world there is no way of knowing how many Tsunami Disasters have actually occurred.  From my short lived research on the Internet, I found a site that stated over 2,000 Tsunami events have occurred since 1628BC.  

Tsunamis tend to take out anything in there path just as a tornado or a hurricane would.  It is said before today's disaster that the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami was quite possibly the most devastating in which killed approximately 230,000, this Tsunami was caused by an earthquake in Indonesia.

I also found out that the Pacific is the the most active Tsunami Zone.  This includes up to 30 countries.  That could be very catastrophic.

Today is a day that I am very thankful that my ancestors decided to end there journey in Indiana.  I sometimes complain about how we ended up here, but honestly it was probably the best place for anyone to settle...granted we are on a fault line which has caused just a few small earthquakes, can get the occasional tornado, and of course our crazy weather patterns of rain, snow and sunshine all in one day, but I am thankful we haven't had any major disasters.

It is crazy that a series of waves can cause this much damage.  The videos from today are very disturbing and I can't even imagine what is going on in the minds of those affected by all of this.  My thoughts and prayers are with everyone. 


Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Anything Blog

So...I just decided to start a blog about ANYTHING!  I have always wanted to write a book, but never really went through with it, mainly because my writing skills are not that great.  I never know where to put to a comma, start a new paragraph, or if I am using the correct spelling of a word so you can only imagine my fear of even writing a blog.  Honestly, though who cares about the little things like a comma anyway?!?  Well if you do care my blog will not be a place for you since you probably haven't even read this far...haha!!

Anyway, if you want to stick around and see what I have in store for you then you are more than welcome to start following me, but if you can't get passed my horrible grammar & puncuation skills then don't follow me...haha! 

Well ladies and gentlemen....let the fun begin!!!  Until next time!